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What is Metadata?

Metadata is the information that you have about your song. Such information can include the release date, publisher, and the writer info.

Metadata is important when you distribute and register your song or album, and when you're dealing with legal issues. It essentially determines whether or not you're going to get paid.

Key pieces of metadata include ISRCs, ISWCs, writer names, song titles and splits. Your ISRC is your International Sound Recording Code. This code identifies your actual recording. As such, it's very important to make sure that the data lines up with what's on code. Streaming services and distributors rely on them to match up streams to the recording. The ISWC, or the International Standard Work Code is similar, except it refers to the underlying composition rather than a recording itself. So if you record a cover or a different version of your song, the ISRC will change, but the ISWC will not.

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