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The Right Way To Collaborate In Music

In the modern era of music, artist collaborations have been the golden ticket behind some of the world's greatest hits across all genres. From a music business perspective, a fan will pay (or at least listen and therefore contribute to overall royalties) to hear their favorite artists on a track. Artist collabs are what gave us Nicki Minaj's iconic verse on Kanye West's "Monster," back in the day.

As an artist yourself, it's likely that you've already thought about fellow artists you've like to collaborate with, whether it be a feature, a full duet, lyricist and producer, or what have you. If you haven't done a collaboration at all, or even if you just want some pointers, follow these tips to make sure your session ends on a high note, regardless of how far you've come in your track.

For starters, don't treat a session like a blind date. Get to know whoever it is you're working with beforehand, like a brief meetup over coffee or even a phone call can go a long way. It helps to get the awkwardness of unfamiliar people out of the way (GREAT for introverts!) and allows you both to dive right in to your creative juices.

Continuing on the idea of blind dates, don't enter the session with no ideas written down. Lyrical ideas, chord progressions, anything is better than walking into the studio empty handed. Have a few basic ideas of what you're going for so you have something to fall back on if the session gets stale. And be open to your partner's ideas as well. Even if you're not feeling it at first, you never know what could come out of it. And if one idea isn't working, don't try to force it to work.

And finally, if the session didn't end as you hoped, don't harp on it. It's hard to predict how a session will go, but the important thing is to learn and gain new experiences from it. And regardless of how things went, don't forget to follow up with the artist after. Keeping that strong, positive connection is so important!!

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