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The 6 Forms Of Music Licenses

Odds are if you're doing any type of project and using music that you don't own the copyright to, you'll need to obtain a license in order to use the music.

There are six major types of music licenses. They are:

1. Synchronization License (Sync License)

2. Mechanical License

3. Master License

4. Public Performance License

5. Print Rights License

6. Theatrical License

The specific license that you'll need depends on what you're using the music for.

Sync licenses are intended for music that will be paired to any form of visual media, like commercials and movies.

A mechanical license is needed for a physical manufacturing of an existing work, such as a CD. If you intend on recording a cover song, you'll want to obtain this license as well. Note that it doesn't have to be the entire song that is used either, and also includes anything you change about the original work, including adding your own lyrics and remixing.

Master licenses are similar to sync licenses but a little more complex. It basically means that you'd own the right to a recording of a song to use in an audio or visual project, but you don't have the right to re-record the song for a project. Master licenses are usually given out along with sync licenses.

A Public Performance License is the most common type of license that is given out. It is used for music that will be broadcasted publicly, like in a grocery store, on a jukebox, and concerts. Performance Rights Organizations typically handle the licensing for this use.

Print Rights licenses refer to the physical score, or sheet music, that an artist wrote. This is only needed when a compilation of sheet music is printed, or whenever the physical sheet music is reproduced.

And finally, theatrical licenses are mainly reserved for the theater industry. Any time a copyrighted work is performed in front of a live audience (like the Broadway production of Hamilton by Lin Manuel Miranda, for example), this license will be required.

We hope this breaks things down for you 💯

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