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Maintaining Your Networks

If you're involved in the music industry in any way, then you already know that one of the most important skills you need to have is the ability to network. You reach out and build connections with those who have big ties to the industry. You work with these connections for some time until you acquire even more networks. Next thing you know, you have a spreadsheet full of all the names that you built rapport with, and the list continues to grow.

Building new relationships with industry professionals is going to be an ongoing task, and one that is fulfilling and rewarding.

But they always say, "Don't forget where you came from."

While you want to continue to create more networks, you also have to maintain the ones you already have. This can easily be done through engaging through social media in form of likes, comments, and messages. Continue to keep them filled in on what you're doing, like sending them music and notifying them of release dates. Anything that makes them remember you and your name.

It's not a daunting task, but one that often gets forgotten about!

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