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Know What's Going To Get You Paid

Updated: Oct 20, 2020

If you're looking to break into the music industry as an artist, you know to understand where your money's gonna come from. Find out everything early on so you can save yourself a headache later. There are 3 main sources for your income. These break off into subcategories, but that's a matter for another time.

1. Go On Tour

I'm sure this one is self explanatory. For one, most of your pay is going to come from live performances. Performing live also exposes you to more potential fans and promoters that want you work with you. All of that = more money. Of course COVID-19 has made this a little more difficult; but platforms such as Facebook Live, Instagram Live and Twitch have made it a somewhat easier to gain performance opportunities.

2. Publish Your Music

Writing and recording your music gives you the ownership of your master rights and performance rights, allowing you to control how your work is pushed and promoted. If you're an independent artist this is especially handy for you, as being able to have complete ownership of your material allows you to maximize revenue and profit made from the sales.

3. Market Yourself

You've gotta be able to sell yourself. Your image, likeness, and everything else about you as an artist are what promoters, labels, and anyone else that you're profiting from have to see. Make sure your vision is clear and is an easy concept to grasp.

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