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It's All About The Engagement: Pay Attention To Your Social Media!

So you've put out a few singles, maybe even an EP; played some lives shows, and managed to build yourself up a fanbase. You've come far, but the work isn't over yet.

You've got to keep that fanbase you've built. Since its likely that many of them will follow your social media, you've got to make sure you're managing it well.

Social media is a great way to connect and touch base with fans, especially during in-between periods of music releases. It's also a great way to promote an upcoming project as well. A couple of things you'll want to be sure of are:

  1. Try to be consistent. Don't be that guy that makes one post everyone few months (unless you're well established enough to get away with something like that, like Beyoncé.) You can't let your fans forget you exist.

  2. Respond to some fan comments. You obviously won't be able to get to everyone, but going through and liking or even commenting under fan comments under your post shows that you pay attention and you care about them.

  3. Use it as a promotional tool. Got a new release coming up? Utilize social media to tease new projects. For example, post a teaser to a music video.

  4. Be your authentic self. Don't try to alter how you are for the sake of some Instagram followers. For one, people are smart enough these days to see right through that, and once that happens, it's not a good look. Also, it's exhausting trying to be someone you aren't. Social media in itself can already be tiring, don't make it harder for yourself.

  5. On that note, try some social media scheduling tools to make it easier to manage your posts throughout the day. Some popular ones including Hootsuite and Buffer; also manage social media sites have their own built in publishing tools; such as Facebook's Creator Studio (which works together with Instagram). Twitter has also recently integrated a Creator Studio into their desktop platform.

  6. Also, a LOT of music industry networking is done through social media! Make sure you keep yours looking good at all times!

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