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How to Write An Artist Bio

Need a way to market and sell yourself as a musician? Get yourself a good artist bio.

It's not as intimidating of a process as it seems. First you're gonna want to list out the elements that you want to go into the biography. This should be any performances, awards, press quotes, and other achievements that people look for. You have to be able to build your credibility. These are the key facts. You also want to briefly discuss who you are as an artist, so mention things like your artistic vision, the style/genre you lean towards, musical influences, there's so much to go on about.

Once you figure all that out, organize your thoughts into a list. Make note of the biggest and most important things, and put those first on the list. And keep in mind that this list will likely be edited down multiple times.

Find a good opening, using something like a quote that resonates with you as an artist, or an action/identity statement. Believe it or not, starting with a photo can go a long way and adding a story to it can double the impact. Try to make it something that will make the reader curious.

In a way this is writing a bit backwards, but begin to construct paragraphs with the openers and info you have. It doesn't have to be perfect right now. You're gonna make different drafts that are different lengths and have different information in them. If you're feeling up for it, create and long and short bio - they'll have different uses, trust me.

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